After-sales / Maintenance

Technical assistance, after-sales, express delivery of spare parts.

After-sales / Maintenance

ID WASH is a technician on the phone: no hotline. ID WASH has experienced technicians on call who can give you a rapid and accurate response in the event of breakdowns or answer any other technical questions. Preventive maintenance planning, remote diagnostics, remote fault assistance on the vehicle washing gantry...


Breakdown? No question of waiting several days for a simple technician diagnosis. The ID WASH team and their network of trained and qualified subcontractors answer as soon as possible. First establishing the phone diagnosis of the breakdown, the technician can take control and remote control on the controller afar.


The team and partners ID WASH specialists' in gantry washing trucks and buses. Experienced technicians, reagents and trained by ID WASH for installation, maintenance and servicing of our gantries.

Detached parts available and shipped quickly

ID WASH also provides an express "Parts" distribution service for ID WASH gantrys but also generic parts adaptable for other brands of heavy goods vehicle washing gantrys.

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