Ease of use
ID WASH automatic vehicle washing gantry, simple, low-cost and connected.
Simplified maintenance
To reduce running costs to a minimum, maintenance of the truck washing gantry was factored in from the design phase. Thanks to the use of very widely-available components as well as the accessibility of various elements in the design, ID WASH vehicle washing gantrys are easy to maintain at a reasonable cost.
A connected gantry
Remote diagnostics, alert in case of malfunctions, reminders for preventive maintenance operations, remote maintenance with remote controlling, ID WASH vehicle washing gantrys can be integrated into your everyday operating tools. If it is connected to the internet via the depot's WIFI network or using a 3G key, the installation can send information directly to the chosen person. The ID WASH team can also be alerted in the event of problems with the gantry to be able to anticipate and offer a responsive service. Optimisation of gantry running. Statistics on washing, consumption etc...
Simple to use
The man-machine interface on ID WASH vehicle washing gantrys is based on the principle of separate commands: One part for the traditional user (driver, washing station customer...).
another for maintenance personnel. Therefore, the user panel is simple and safe to use without handling errors. Two indicator lights give the machine status (in use, frost protection, wash cycle in progress etc...). For all other functions, 4 to 8 push buttons enable the user to select the desired washing programme.
For the maintenance part, a 5.7 inch screen giving access to all the adjustable settings on the machine as well as selecting special modes (with or without roof brush, etc...).