Industrial vehicle washing, solutions for each vehicle

Types of vehicles

The family of industrial vehicles includes:

  • Vans or utility vehicles (up to 3.5 tonnes)
  • Minibuses
  • Buses/coaches
  • Trucks, articulated and semi-articulated trucks...

Types of washing

There are two main families of vehicle cleaning, interior and exterior.
For interior cleaning (tanks, refrigeration units...) even if semi-automatic solutions exist, they remain mainly manual, often high-pressure washing.
As for exterior washing, although this can be carried out manually, there are several solutions for automatically cleaning bodywork.

Solutions for exterior washing.

For washing the exterior of industrial vehicles, several solutions exist:

  • Manual washing: very long and costly in terms of labour
  • Automatic washing: rapid and profitable depending on the solutions.

In automatic washing, the family of mono brushes is a simple, self-sufficient and low-cost solution for washing heavy goods vehicles and coaches. The most widely-used solution is the automatic washing gantry, with 2 or 3 brushes, enabling the vehicle to be fully cleaned without manual intervention. For quicker washing time, the tunnel gantry reduces the cycle time thanks to its combined semi-automatic process (vehicle moves forward for washing the sides). Other forms of high pressure washing enable thorough cleaning of the chassis and the scuff boards.

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